Join a Reader Community

You can when you join one of my Reader Communities.

Option 1

Substack is like a newsletter, blog, and social media combined since it can be read in your inbox, on your computer screen, or via the Substack app.

Substack is my official newsletter provider, where I’ll share all my book and writing life news (either in a post or a “chat” message).

Upon sign up, you will receive a welcome letter with a link to download Mark and Amy’s proposal story. (I also have a Morning Thoughts from Scripture Substack and a multi-author Substack I take part in called The Sigh-worthy Romance Tearoom for those who might be interested.)

I will also share Gallery blog posts as well as book previews to all my Hatfield Falls books. This includes Early Access previews to almost but not quite ready to publish books. I will also be using the “Notes” section to post things that I would normally share on Facebook or Instagram.

Option 2

Ream Stories is another place to keep up on my writing news with a few more options. At Ream, you can join a follower-exclusive community of fellow Annilee readers, and subscribe to read my books if you wish.

Subscribing is not required. All followers of my Ream page have access to read Mark and Amy’s story on the Ream website or via the Ream app.

I will share my Gallery posts, a link to my monthly update, and various announcements and other things in the community section of Ream, which is accessible to all followers. All followers will also have access to read previews of all my Hatfield Falls books including Early Access previews of upcoming books.

Whichever option you choose – Substack or Ream – I look forward to having you as a member of my reading community.