Hunting for Cursed Treasure

Have you ever watched “The Curse of Oak Island”? It is a History Channel reality tv show about a pair of brothers who are searching for the cursed treasure of Oak Island, which happens to be in Nova Scotia.  While “The Curse of Oak Island” is a long running show. (I think they just finished season ten?) I learned… Continue reading Hunting for Cursed Treasure

Hello, Summer! Farewell, Spring.

As summer begins here in the northern hemisphere, I thought I’d share a few late spring photos of nature that I found while walking. The top and bottom left images were taken at Acadia Gardens, which is, as you might know, one of my favourite local places to take a short stroll. Everything was green… Continue reading Hello, Summer! Farewell, Spring.

A Stroll through Pete’s on a Soggy Saturday

Spring around here has some of my favourite weather: sunshine, a nice breeze, and cool to warm (but not hot) temperatures. However, not every spring day is so perfect. Some… or is that many? 🙂 … can be quite damp.  Such was the case a couple of weekends ago.  So, where did my husband and I go… Continue reading A Stroll through Pete’s on a Soggy Saturday

The Salt Marsh Trail (in the rain)

This past Saturday, I was just itching to get out of the house and go somewhere. It’s spring, so these moments of “let me outside” happen now and then. Usually, they happen on pretty, sunny days. Saturday was not such a day. It was sunny and cloudy and growing grey when we left the house.… Continue reading The Salt Marsh Trail (in the rain)

The Sackville-Bedford Greenway Trail

On a sunny and not too cold day at the end of December 2021, my husband and I took out final trail walk of the year. The trail we chose to walk is located between the TransCanada highway 101 and the Sackville River and is known as the Sackville-Bedford Greenway Trail. We started on the… Continue reading The Sackville-Bedford Greenway Trail