For the above drabble, I took a first line writing prompt from a list of ideas I found online, tweaked it a little to suit my use, and then, decided to play with a couple of characters I know I’m going to be writing about soon. I need to start doing more playing with them —… Continue reading The Plot Twist (Drabble #4)
Hunting for Cursed Treasure
Have you ever watched “The Curse of Oak Island”? It is a History Channel reality tv show about a pair of brothers who are searching for the cursed treasure of Oak Island, which happens to be in Nova Scotia. While “The Curse of Oak Island” is a long running show. (I think they just finished season ten?) I learned… Continue reading Hunting for Cursed Treasure
Going up!
Lacey pushed the button with the wheelchair symbol on it and waited until the lady behind her had gone through the door before she entered. The breeze caught her hair and tried to tug it out of its ponytail. A seagull hobbled across the parking lot, stopping now and then to peck at what it… Continue reading Going up!
Pistachio’s Sway (Drabble #3)
Are you a fan of ice cream? I loved it as a kid, unless it was vanilla. As an adult, I developed a sensitivity to dairy, and my husband and sons aren’t big ice cream eaters, so it’s a rare occasion when we have any at our house. However, when my boys were younger, they did enjoy… Continue reading Pistachio’s Sway (Drabble #3)
In Aisle Three
Trish turned from the gift card rack and moved towards the houseware aisle. “It was good to see you.” His brow furrowed. “That’s it. No further conversation?” That was the idea. She had realized from nearly their first meeting that it was far too pleasant to be standing close to Henry and talking, and the… Continue reading In Aisle Three
Hello, Summer! Farewell, Spring.
As summer begins here in the northern hemisphere, I thought I’d share a few late spring photos of nature that I found while walking. The top and bottom left images were taken at Acadia Gardens, which is, as you might know, one of my favourite local places to take a short stroll. Everything was green… Continue reading Hello, Summer! Farewell, Spring.
A sensible proposal?
“You’re set on a storefront?” Will asked. “What else would we have?” Emma seemed utterly surprised by his question. “We’re not looking to do online sales only.” “In-person sales don’t need a brick-and-mortar structure,” Will countered while leaning back to enjoy his coffee and giving her time to reason that out. She would. He and… Continue reading A sensible proposal?
Just a friend
“Cold enough for you?” Paul Lally, a gentleman in his late fifties and owner of the diner, called as he threw another cup of rock salt on the sidewalk. “Too cold,” Henry replied. Paul’s laugh puffed out in front of him. “We’ve got some messy weather coming.” “So I’ve heard.” Standing in front of the… Continue reading Just a friend
Is there magic in those cinnamon buns?
Lacey picked up her cinnamon bun and looked at it from the top, then the side, and then the bottom. “What’s in it?” she asked Emma. “What do you mean?” his sister replied. “You made it sound like your brother would be hard to convince about your idea to start a café. I assumed it… Continue reading Is there magic in those cinnamon buns?
A Stroll through Pete’s on a Soggy Saturday
Spring around here has some of my favourite weather: sunshine, a nice breeze, and cool to warm (but not hot) temperatures. However, not every spring day is so perfect. Some… or is that many? 🙂 … can be quite damp. Such was the case a couple of weekends ago. So, where did my husband and I go… Continue reading A Stroll through Pete’s on a Soggy Saturday